The Orphans Strategy Guide

Table of Contents:
1. Opening/ The Mothership
2. Landing Forest
3. Qive Base
4. Trill Outskirts
5. Trill
6. Flashback/ Avel's Compound
7. Satellie 1
8. Kuni Island
9. Haelow Forest
10. GAMS Station Pt. 1
11. GAMS Station Port
12. GAMS Station Pt. 2

1. Opening/ The Mothership

Feel free to walk around and explore the mothership, and talk the various companions. Once ready proceed to the open door a the top of the map.
Once there you will be auto prompted with some general instructions.

Now on the lower level of the mothership you can choose to go train in the combat simulator on the left side of the map, talk to more NPCs, Save (purple crystal across from elevator) or go directly to Mother (right side of map) to advance.

If doing combat, you will be prompted with a brief tutorial if you so choose. Please follow this tutorial if you are unsure how to fight.

When speaking to Mother for the first time, she'll give you a mission log, which you can reference in Key Items if you forget what you were doing.

Talk to Mother again for more backstory, or go to the "Are we ready to land?" prompt to move onto the next area.

2. Landing Forest
After the cutscene you will find yourself stepping onto the Earth-like planet of Locus. Proceed toward the right of the map.

It is here the Orphans will encounter a hostile alien race. Interact with the two to proceed.

After finishing the fight go to the next map. Explore and work your way through the forest toward the right. The most immediate path through is through the gap in the trees at the top of the map. However in the bottom left corner, and in the top right corner of the map there are items that can be found on dead bodies. As well as a item in a log near the body on the top right.

On the bottom right side of the map you will meet the first of the alien race that is not hostile. Speak with them to proceed.

3. Qive Base
Follow the alien into the tree and interact with them. They have given the Orphans a smart translator that learns their language as they speak, they prompt you to talk. To do this go talk to either guard located close to the entrance of the area.

The alien will automatically come out of the teleport pad. Interact with them and then proceed to talk to the NPC at the top of the map, who will introduce herself as Dr. Leira.

After the cutscene you will be prompted to go get Eileen while they do some DNA testing on you.

Start making your way back to the ship and you will be prompted to either run back through and fight enemies again, or you can sneak through to be teleported back. Your choice.

Enter the ship by walking into the side of it and speak with Eileen. She will join you and you can proceed back to Qive Base.

Talk to Dr. Leira again, then go to the teleport pad to go to the basement.

Talk to the NPC on the far right, you can trade some things but after you are done Dr. Leira will appear. Speak to her and hear her proposal.

Go onto the pad then go talk to Rhael, the alien from before, at the top of the map.

Note: You may notice that many of the character's classes are identical, this is by design and the reason why will be revealed soon.

Interact with the small bushes on the right side to go through to the next area.

4. Trill Outskirts
There are several buildings to explore here with various equipment and things to find in them.

The building to the right, with the save point in front of it will advance the story when you go inside. This will lock you out of being able to get some of the extra treasures.

Go to the middle left pod and rest.
After a brief event you'll find yourself as Eileen and Ulf. Go out of the exit at the bottom of the map.

After a brief cutscene and a fight you'll see one of the Qive run to the top of the map. Follow them between the two rocks to the next map.

Join forces with the mystery fighter and then proceed to the top of the map to escape.

Once inside the building, you are free to explore a bit. The path forward is at the top of the map.

On the next map follow the path and interact with the large purple crystal at the end to advance.

After a brief cutscene a fight with Avel will start you are meant to lose this fight.

After the fight you will find yourself as Neil again. If you try to proceed to the top of the map the way will be blocked. You can go back and get various special interactions, but the only way forward is to the right into the city of Trill.

5. Trill
This is a large map with a lot of things to find. At the top right is an optional dungeon. On the middle left there is another optional boss fight inside a room. In the houses in the middle of the map (spanning from left to right), there is various encounters and loot to be found.

Optional Dungeon: Top Right. A three story set of apartments. If you interact with computers on the 2nd floor you'll find that the keycard to the third floor was dropped on the 1st floor. Interact with the floor just above the round setpiece in the middle of the 1st floor until you are prompted that you found the keycard. Then proceed to the third floor and loot the chest, getting all sorts of goodies.

Optional Dungeon: Middle Left
When you walk in you'll be greeted by the boss at the back of the room. Fight your way too her and defeat her for your prize.

The way forward is at the large building at the bottom center of the map. Using the entrance on the right side.

Proceed inside of the building and work your way up to the top.
Once at the top you'll see a hole in the ceiling, walk up the rough looking part of the wall into the hole.

Once on the roof go to the right to get on the shuttle.

6. Flashback/ Avel's Compound
At this point you'll experience a flashback of Eileen's. Play through the scenario to proceed.

Once out of the scenario proceed to the bar doors to trigger a guard coming your way.
Interact with the guard to kill him. Interact with him again to take his keys.

Open the door for Ulf and Sironni, interact with Sironni to get him on your team again.

At the top of the map you'll see Valentina. Interact with her. If you explore the room you'll find various chests and such that have more equipment for the party. As well as more visions of Valentina.

Proceed to the bottom left corner to move forward. Val sort of marks the way.

Keep following Val until you find another Qive prisoner who is in trouble. Rescue her, and interact with her to proceed, adding Balea to your party.

Proceed to the left and then up to trigger a cutscene. Balea reveals that the party should sneak into his room and sabotage the machine he uses to empower himself.

Proceed back to the beginning of this area to find a locked door.
Go back to the first room to see Val again, who is pointing the way for you. Interacting with the chest at the end will get you the key to Avel's room.

Proceed back to his room, and interact with the piece of tech in the middle of it.

Rest at the bed in his room, to wait in ambush. Interact with Val and then proceed to Avel to trigger the fight.

After the fight is over proceed to the top right and walk through. Avel's lackey's find him dead and now the whole room is after you. Run toward the top of the map to try to escape.

After facing three waves of enemies the way is finally clear. Go through the top of the map to move forward.

Once out proceed to the bottom right of the map. Then move all the way to the bottom of the map. Then finally to the left side to try to go back to the Qive Base.

Once inside you will hear Dr. Leira getting a distress call from Neil and the others. Go to the top and interact with her to proceed.

Interact with Dr. Leira one more time to move forward.

7. Satellite 1
Neil's group finds themselves onboard a barely functioning Satellite. Follow the path to the right to proceed.

Interact with the Cannibal King and his lackey's to proceed. To the top of the map is the way to Dr. Leira's old office. Go inside for some optional loot and lore.

Continue following the path to the end. You'll find the 2nd bay door, and path leading to President Yewana's office which goes to the left. Follow that path and interact with the computer to get the codes.

After the alarm starts going off run towards the close shuttle door. You will be greeted by the Cannibal King. If he catches you, it triggers an unwinnable fight. Follow the path to up to proceed.

Once at the top a cutscene will trigger, and then another fight. Note: You are meant to lose this fight. If you are wearing the EZ Armor for Victor it can be a bit painfully slow. Take if off prior to this encounter if you want it to go faster.

On the shuttle keep interacting with Rhael and follow the prompts to proceed. Go to the computer to trigger the next event.

Go to the seat that is glowing to move forward and watch the next cutscene.

8. Kuni Island
After the cutscene where you meet Elayho, explore his house a bit with some optional dialog and lore.
Speak to Elayho when you are ready to move forward.

You get a to do list that can be viewed in Key Items. You can explore the island for addtional weapons and armor that can be found. Or you can make your way straight for the objectives.

Follow the path to north that will lead you to the village.
Go into the house at the top right of the village to hear about how you get food for yourselves and Tulia.
Interact with the chest at the bottom of his house for "Humanoid Food".

Go into the middle house for an optional side quest.

Proceed to the right side, across the bridge, then south through the forest. Note: Any of the worm looking creatures you want to fight until one of them drops their eggs. Follow the wall to come across the body of the Chief's daughter.
After interacting with the body, keep hugging the southern wall until you come across a gap. Fight the Ioal's until you find a brown one to get its blood.

Once you have the brown Ioal blood proceed back up through the gap then head to the left.
You'll find a platform with spirits on it. Go up and find the tree with the face on it. Pray to it and get the Blessing of Roi. Note: Branching off of this platform is a top and bottom path, follow each one for loot.

Once you have everything head back to the Chief's house to complete the side quest, then the Chef's house to get the food for Tulia.

Once you have everything, proceed to the left side of the map where Elayho's ship is. He will check to make sure you have everything. If so, then you can proceed!

9. Haelow Forest
Proceed to Trill again and go up through the top path, you'll find yourself in the entrance to a very purple forest.
Continue up and run into two Crystal Qive. They have been so heavily corrupted that their skin has turned a dark grey color, and they developed special powers.

Once in the forest follow the map to the left side. There is once again many chests with loot for the player to grab. Some are hidden behind trees and such, so be careful!

The path goes all the way to the left, then go all the way up to the tree barrier. Then go to the right until you get another gap in the trees. Then proceed upward. Go to the left toward the center and then up. Go to the right to fight an optional boss and get some loot. Otherwise head to the left and proceed. Once all the way left, go all the way down to a small gap in the trees. Then left again, then up.
Once all the way to the next tree barrier go to the right to the next gap in the trees. Once proceeding up from there, you will trigger a short cutscene and fight. Proceed up and toward the center to exit the area.

In Port Tadyk go into the building to the right, and into the ferry to proceed. Feel free to explore these two small areas for a couple chests.

Once on the Ferry talk to Sironni to proceed. After the cutscene speak to Sironni again to proceed. Sironni will walk into the control room and a green barrier will go up. Interact with it.

10. GAMS Station Pt. 1
Once off the ferry grab the chest that is right there to get some Fire Bombs. This item helps immensly with the upcoming section.

Go into the teleporter to wind up inside GAMS Station. Proceed up as much as you can and then to the right. Interact with the computer there. Find the three terminals to proceed.

The first two are in this area. The third is beyond a barrier. You have to save the third for last.

Warning: The Frozen Qive have a freezing touch ability they can use on you. Use the Qive Firebombs on yourselves to deal a little damage but heal the freeze. Use the firebombs on the enemy to do a ton of damage.

Once the last terminal is interacted with the base will flood with Frozen Qive. Proceed back up to the top of the map to continue.

Fight through the three waves to complete the section.

11. GAMS Station Port
Neil and party arrives to an old port at the base of the mountain that GAMS is located on. Proceed off the dock and into the small building. Interact with the chest and the various things in the room for a new weapon.

Leave the building then proceed toward the right/ top of the map. Here you'll find a Tilake. Another alien race. Interact for some lore and trade. Last vendor of the game.

Follow the path up the mountain. Eventually you will find an optional boss where you can fight to earn big rewards. There is no harm in fighting them as it is not game over if you lose and it heals you after.

Keep following the path until you reach the top and then proceed to the outer part of GAMS Station.

Once there you'll see the door is barred but there is a hole in the wall on the right. Go through it to proceed to the finale.

12. GAMS Station Pt. 2
Shortly after stepping inside you'll have a cutscene. Make your way to the top of the map, fight off the waves of enemies and then you win the game!

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